19 July 2006

David Brin is a Smarty Pants

I really enjoyed this long-ish post by David Brin on his own blog. He's clearly too smart for his own good, but I think he cooks up some good food for thought.

As most of you know, I have long inveighed against the hoary and almost-meaningless so-called "left-right political axis," a metaphor to which (absurdly) countless millions of people still cling, 250 years after the French (of all people) thought it up -- a "spectrum" that mindlessly narrows and channels all political debate. A tidy model that halves every political IQ, forcing sophisticated, 21st Century minds into enmity with folk who may share many values, and compels you into alliance with others who want a world very different than you do.

He's also arogant, but he cops to it readily enough so I'll let him slide. This time. But I'm watching you, Mr. Brin, I'm watching.

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