25 July 2006

Stardust Shaping Up

Matthew Vaughn is directing a film based on Neil Gaiman's book Stardust, a moody little fairytale that I recommend you read at your earliest convenience.

Mr. Gaiman recently returned from the UK where he was visiting the set. He posted about taking Charles Vess around the production:

He's somewhere out beyond happy -- like me, he'd been working out all the polite ways of distancing himself from an awful movie, if that's what it had been, and like me he's relieved he won't have to. When Charles is extremely happy he gets sort of quiet and twinkly, and he twinkled a lot yesterday.

And you can't knock the cast, either:

Charlie Cox....Tristian
Claire Danes....Yvaine
Robert De Niro....Captain Shakespeare
Sienna Miller....Victoria
Michelle Pfeiffer....Lamia
Jason Flemyng....Primus
Rupert Everett....Secondus
Peter O'Toole....King Of Stormhold

Look for a release date in the US somewhere around March 9, 2007, to be distributed by Paramount.

Via Neil Gaiman's Journal, IMDB, and SciFi Wire.

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