02 August 2006

Backward Compatible?

I don't know what's going on. I hit a certain age, and now I'm lusting after old tech like Bill O'Reilly at a loofah showroom. Don't get me wrong: I'm up to speed on the new stuff. The latest G5, 39-megapixel digital camera backs, wi-fi out the wazoo... I love it all. But last weekend, I bought a manual Smith-Corona typewriter for $5, and now I'm looking for an old Mamiya C330 twin-lens reflex camera to go with my 50-year-old Speed Graphic 4x5 camera. (Thankfully, I don't look like Weegee... yet.)

What's next? A Bakelite phone with a modular jack? What's become of me? I just wanted to go to Tosche Station to pick up some power converters.


thatbaldguy said...

Are you gonna convert it to a wireless keyboard for you G5?

theMoorChilde said...

Cool. Pretty. Does it work? Can I use it for my art projects?