10 August 2006

Digital Denim Denigrates Design

Levi's. Apple. Brand icons the world over. But iPod jeans? It insults my geek sensibility enough to... to... well, to get my crank on over the whole thing. This is the denim version of tape on your thick, black glasses. This is like carrying a Hong Kong Fuey lunchbox in 8th grade.

Think of the tech hazard here. Parents, check those pockets before putting your kids' iPod jeans in the wash. I don't know how much Goldschlagger their designers had to down in order to come up with this, but it was obviously too much or not enough. These jeans have a built-in docking cradle, a joystick, and retractable headphones. If you're Inspector gadget on holiday, these might do the trick. Otherwise, who would wear these things? As an avid jean wearer and Apple aficionado, even I'm embarrassed by these. And, um... $200. I sh*t thee not. Oh, the horror. The horror.

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