11 August 2006

Book: Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell

I just finished Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell: A Novel by Susanna Clarke. Rarely have I enjoyed a book more than I enjoyed this one, and I encourage you to pick it up.

Our friend Miss Ivy commented that it reminded her of the The Pickwick Papers, and I have to say that that description is not entirely inaccurate. It certainly does have a Dickensian feel, dry humor, and it's spiced with anachronistic turns of phrase and spelling that serve very will to enhance the atmosphere of c.1810-1816 England.

It also totally sucked me in. There was even one memorable moment where an event in the story actually shocked me, even though I knew it was coming and, not being one of the characters in the book myself, I knew that it hadn't actually happened. That is some skillful authorship.

Go read it.

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